Our leadership workshop programs can be operated in capital cities worldwide and our unique process is based on real expeditions.

We recognise that leadership is far from easy; in fact it's tough, lonely and unappreciated. Leadership is not the smooth tarmac, but the gravel road.

Even the best leaders can face personal attack from the very people they are trying to help. That's anxiety, that's fear, and that's leadership life. You will be exposed for who you really are, sometimes even feeling a stranger to yourself.

We give you no hypotheticals, theories, fads or 'styles'. Every situational detail we immerse you in has actually occured. As leader, you must act quickly under situational pressure to fully understand and manage the threat or challenge.

You will determine what realistic solutions are available to safeguard your team. You will discover what tools and resources you have, or can create, and choose what actions must be taken, by whom, and in which order.

This is how Special Forces troops are trained, because what matters is being fully prepared. But unlike the military, an upward reporting heirarchy, expedition-level Raw Leadership means you are totally on your own, where all the fears of outcome uncertainty are yours alone.

When this becomes your new norm, you are ready for leadership. And the leader you discover within yourself may be a wonderful revelation.